John F. McCormick
John is a native of Lubbock, Texas, where he graduated with honors from Dunbar-Struggs High School. He attended the University of Texas at Austin, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in Government. In 1990, he received his Doctor of Jurisprudence from the University of Texas School of Law and was admitted to the State Bar of Texas in 1990.
John has a long history of serving the public. While attending the University of Texas at Austin, he served as legislative aide for State Representative Ron D. Givens (R-Lubbock) assisting with constituent relations, bill analysis, and drafting legislation. While in law school, he clerked at the Travis County Attorney’s Office, where he was hired as an Assistant Travis County Attorney in the Civil Division. During his five-year tenure with this office, John was involved in a variety of areas including personal injury defense, ad valorem tax collection in the state and bankruptcy courts, commercial litigation, and civil rights litigation. He would later return to the office as the director of the Criminal Intake Division.
In 1996, John entered the private sector as an associate with the law firm of Wilson, Grosenheider & Burns, L.L.P., where he concentrated on personal injury defense, worker’s compensation defense, and insurance subrogation. In 1998, he joined the law firm of Brim, Arnett & Robinett, P.C., where he practiced school law, representing school district employees in employment and teacher certification matters. He also maintained a practice in the areas of general employment, personal injury, and probate law. In 2006, Mr. McCormick became a shareholder in the law firm of Brim, Arnett, Robinett, Hanner, Conners & McCormick, P.C. His areas of practice included school law, employment law, wills and probate, and criminal defense.
Next he opened a solo law practice in 2013. The McCormick Law Firm continues to practice in the areas of employment law, with an emphasis on school law, wills and probate, and criminal defense. John provides legal representation to members of the Association of Texas Professional Educators and the Texas Classroom Teachers Association. Additionally, he has represented educators in matters related to ethics and alleged educator misconduct before the State Board for Educator Certification.
John has co-authored papers on civil rights in school law and employee retaliation. He currently serves on the board of the State Bar of Texas School Law Section and serves as special master for probable cause hearings at the Austin State Hospital.
John F. McCormick’s interest in truth, ethics, and compassion has not been confined to his legal profession. In 2002, he acknowledged his call to the ministry and received his license to preach in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. He has since served as pastor at Wesley Chapel A.M.E. Church (Georgetown, Texas) from 2004-2009, and currently serves as founding pastor at CrossWork Christian Center in Round Rock, Texas, which was launched in 2009. In 2014, he matriculated from the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary with a Master of Ministerial Practice degree.
He has been married to Erica A. McCormick since 1990, and they have one daughter, Erin Janae.